Easycrit – Innovation Management Tool

Only your Company will have access to their ideas and projects

Only the authorized people you invite will see the ideas and projects of your department, team or company

Do you trust Internet tools to manage your money? Equally, easycrit protects the information generated in our team





There is security in data access, and security in data is not lost. The infrastructure behind it is one of the largest and safest in the world

By example, easycrit uses https to ensure your data is traveling encrypted

Within easycrit, there exist separated roles with different rights in modifying the information

For example, a Participant (employee) cannot change the stage of a project

easycrit is based on Microsoft Windows Azure, they have ISO 27001:2005 certification

Microsoft Windows Azure has ISO 27001:2005 certification. Actually the best security certification worldwide recognized. Also, has  SSAE 16 ISAE 3402 and la HIPAA BAA certification (required in USA to deal with health personal data) 

You can find more information at: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/support/trust-center/compliance/


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