Easycrit – Innovation Management Tool

Innovando en Sernapesca



MISSION: To contribute wing sustainability of the sector and the protection of aquatic resources and their environment through comprehensive health management oversight and influencing the behavior sectoral promoting compliance.

More than three decades after its creation, Sernapesca has 916 employees / as plant and contracts. It is a highly professional institution: the total universe of officials is composed of 70% by professionals, 20% technical and 10% remaining for administrative and auxiliary.



Together with the consultancy Platforma Aurea (http://plataformaaurea.cl/ innovation experts) and within a broader transformation program, Sernapesca implemented Easycrit as platform for a massive campaign ideation.


Regarding the use of the platform, it was well received by users of the system. They generated about 600 ideas, both personal and group that originated about 40 project ideas were incorporated.

The tool was highly valued because there was uploading files, comment on other ideas, make improvements, vote and gave assurances of transparency when public preferences of users. It was certainly a contribution.

In addition, we thank Easycrit permanent assistance during the work developed, which greatly facilitated our work.




Servicio Nacional de Pesca de Chile



Elena Orellana Stamatiu

Subdirección de Comercio Exterior

Elena Orellana Stamatiu

Médico Veterinario

Subdirección de Comercio Exterior

Dirección Nacional

Victoria 2832, Valparaíso (Chile)

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