Easycrit – Innovation Management Tool

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Translate Creativity and Innovation into Results

Barcelona, 24, 25, 26 y 27 March 2014

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Until recently, innovation was limited to the creation of new products and value added services that will give advantages over competitors. Today innovate means much more: open or new business revitalization and transformation of management in key areas of management to achieve the objectives pursued. There are traditional companies that are getting strong results from this type of innovation, and what they do is achievable for a large number of our businesses. This requires overcoming a number of key stages:


  1st Sensitization: seeks to achieve a favorable attitude to overcome various factors that are blocking progress and potential for innovation.

   2nd Credibility: is obtained if we reach some initial results with minimal resources.

   3rd Systematic Management: to ensure quality recurring in the same process of innovation.

   4th Consolidation: to ensure that innovation delivers results beyond the initial impulses and people that have launched.

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