Bring order to your innovation process

Find, in a easy way, where is each idea or project.

With Easycrit, ideas and projects are ordered automatically

Each ideas follows some steps to become a new product or a new process. In each step, you and your team will be available to add all the information needed. And all the contributors will find this information in a easy way.

From concepts to projects

The first step is to capture ideas (typically linked to a challenge). The second is to select the best ideas with few criteria. The third is to convert those ideas to concepts. In this step you need to add more studies, perhaps a SWOT diagram, perhaps a CANVAS scheme or other documents. With information like this, the Innovation Council will have enough information to let some concepts to become projects. And, at last, from projects you obtain new products, new processes to implement, improvement of existing ones, new ways to sale, etc.

Socialize innovation

Let everyone contribute to your innovation process. Easycrit gives you the opportunity to open a channel between you and everyone. Capture knowledge from everywhere to improve the value of your ideas and your projects.

Reduces time to market

Putting order in your innovation, sharing the criterias to select ideas, launching new challenges to everyone to capture new ideas, giving ideas and projects the way to become better before launching, will increment the time to market you have now. But not only, each time you learn more and more, thanks to mesures, you'll increment the success of your decisions about innovation.

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